kraftiekortie wrote:
I believe #2 is your lie. I don't believe you failed too many classes---if at all.
You might have been shy, and you might have not went to a few classes---but you did well enough to pass, and sometimes you even got superior grades, Similar to experience in junior high.
How else could you have gotten into a University with those witty professors?
1. I never got thrown out of a college class.
2. I was reprimanded a couple of times in class in college.
3. I got a "C" for an English course because I wrote my final paper on the subject of my choice, rather than the professor's choice.
Classes I failed because of (non)-attendance -- all in one unfortunate term.
Science of Nutrition
2 was my lie because I didn't have a home tutor.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.