kraftiekortie wrote:
I hope it's #2....and if it is #2, I hope the children survived.
In defence of my family
1: is true -- someone had three (it was obviously congenital) PATERNAL
2: is my lie -- this did happen to people my parents knew, but it wasn't in my family. All the children died except the baby.
The woman went to a psychiatric hospital and the father remarried. NOT RELATED
3 and 5:
I realize that 3 and 5 were the same woman and yes, she was a bit of a kook, although never charged with murder.
She only held the nieces for a day or two and didn't hurt them. MATERNAL
4: the garbage disposal thing happened, but I suppose that's not a crime? I DON'T KNOW FOR SURE WHO THIS WAS
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.