b9 wrote:
Mdyar wrote:
I find it interesting on a few counts: Another is that you are not Aspergers, as you say; you have a deeper cut of Autism
i was diagnosed with asperger syndrome but you seem to think that that diagnosis was incorrect. i know that many people feel that doctors are no more qualified than lay people to ascribe a diagnosis, and i guess that you have decided to overrule my doctors diagnoses and proclaim that i am sub asperger syndrome based upon your interpretation of my posting style.
i have sufficient intelligence to place me in the realm of asperger syndrome as far as my doctors are concerned, but it is true that without respect to my intelligence i am quite deeply affected by autism. if i had average intelligence, i would not be able to find my way out of my own world.
my intelligence is above average, and i have found a way to express to the world my mental experiences in a round about way. you may patronizingly congratulate me for achieving the status of making a sensible comment, but i always think in a valid way. i need no congratulations because i do not consider that i need to be boosted in self esteem.
you proclaim that i do not have asperger syndrome and i proclaim that you are incorrect. you may roll your eyes back and lament about my "inability to see" that i am not of a "cut" that is tailored to the quality of a true asperger syndrome person, and you may therefore feel sorry for me and donate your consolation that at least i make sense to you.
i do not like condescension because people who condescend to me deign to stoop to their idea of what level i am on. even though i do not say philosophically ground breaking things, i am not in the realm of substandard cognition.
Whoa and no.
b9, after following your posts here for around 3 years or so,
you have stated several times that you don't have Aspergers, meaning you branded yourself that way..... you say that in 'essence' it is deeper.
Quite the contrary. The only thing I've noticed is the theory of mind tests that you posted up here, with your answers to such questions, (and some anecdotes with Tammy's situation).
After watching your personal you tube videos and voice broadcast, ( of your cars and your narrative, and the pizza delivery phone call) I see your cognition is quite quick via those examples, and much quicker than the average. The scan of details is quite fast.
You got a hard laugh out of me once and I'd had to share your post with my wife about your play on words: ignoramus. You substituting that with "ignore anus" in that bar scene as you were propositioned.