went on wednesday to patch the inner tube on my bike's rear wheel, and get a new tire, as the old one was now bald. i was successful in the latter venture ($28), and i thought i was successful in the former one, but not after a failed first attempt where i applied the patch without removing the clear film backing first, right onto glue that was still wet. f**k. and it was too big, to boot.
second attempt; dry glue, smaller patch, no clear film. i pimped it up and it retained its shape after some squeezes. i felt victorious and i took the tube and tire home, put it on my bike, and took it for a test ride....
....and i got a flat again. next day i found the culprit; the patch wasn't perfectly sealing the hole, and some of the air had found its way out from under the side of the patch. considering that the old tube was now nearly five years old, and i didn't feel like patching it again, i just went and bought a new one for six georges.
the wheel kept it's form this time, as is expected of all new equipment, but as i applied the new wheel (again) the other issue that i had buried from long ago reared it's ugly head. the rim itself is bent, and i had nearly forgotten about it until i as letting the rear wheel spin.
since it's bent, the wheel wobbles around and the brake pads need to be set wider to give the wheel a greater clearance, otherwise they'd constantly be rubbing on the wheel and generating excessive friction, creating drag during coasting. i opened up the brake pad's wider, but that sent me into another dilemma: the brake handle needs to be pressed further the wider the brake pads are set, and at this point the clearance was so wide that i could not apply the rear brakes all the way, because the brake handle would touch the handlebar and be blocked before the pads would firmly squeeze it.\
s**t. how do i fix? i imagine moving the brake handle's resting position further up would help, but i have no idea how to do that....
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