nick007 wrote:
nick007 wrote:
Our rabbit is sick. She didn't finish her pellets last night & she always eats em till they're gone. She seemed fine last night except for that thou. I got her to eat some lettuce today but that was it. She's kind of lethargic but still hopping around some at times. She's not drinking & may be kind of nauseous. She may of chewed on something she shouldn't of cuz she chews on everything. We don't have a vet & we cant drive so we'll have to look online for vet offices we can get to by bus & then I'll have to call & see if they have experience with rabbits. Tomorrow is the day before ThanxGiving thou so it may be hard to get an appointment & I have a doc appointment tomorrow at 11 to get an ingrown toenail removed so coordinating things may be difficult. My girlfriend may try giving her water by a syringe or something. Hopefully she'll be doing alittle better tomorrow.
We took her to emergency animal hospital & she had some kind of infection & a very high fever. They gave her some fluids, an injection of an antibiotic & an antiinflammatory to try & bring down the fever. They said we could keep her there but it would cost $800 to $1000 cuz they weren't setup for rabbits. We decided to bring her home cuz she would of had to stay for two nights since buses don't run on ThanxGiving day. We couldn't really afford two nights there so they gave us some stuff to give her & said to bring her back if she gets worse. She was doing worse after we got home & by that point it was too late to take the bus back. She was having seizures & died 5 hours after we got her back home. I really think she would of died even if we decided to keep her there for the two nights. At least this way she died at home while my girlfriend was holding her & I was next to her. I guess her fever was just too high. She was about two years old when we got her & we only had her for 3 months. We got her cuz she had really bad vision & needed a good home. Maybe we shoudln't of gotten her. We weren't the best parents to her cuz we never had a rabbit before but we were getting a lot better. Me & Cass are both pretty devastated & cant stop crying

I'm so sorry.
Nick, please, you and your girlfriend, don't blame yourselves. Your sweet bunny girl was loved and had a warm home for the last months of her life, you took the best care of her that you knew how (and you wanted to learn and care for her well).
You cared about her. She didn't die in some cold, metallic place with strangers and machines all around her. She died in her mommy's arms with her daddy at her side, and she mattered to you, and you mourn her. She would thank you, if she could. I'm sure of it.
Warm hugs to you and your girlfriend both (I'm crying a little bit for her too, and for both of you).
Thanx Esmerelda. The vet called the next day to check on Winnie & the vet seemed upset by it too. She wished she could of done more but didn't know what more she could of done. The vet said Winnie was in good health otherwise so she was well cared for. I'm not blaming myself cuz I really don't see what I could of done differently that would of had a better outcome. I wouldn't of hesitated to pay the two thousand to keep her the two days if it really would of meant the difference & we known it but I really don't think there was much more they could of done. I'm still pretty upset but I'm managing. My girlfriend is blaming herself thou for lots of little things that I'm sure wouldn't of made a difference. Cass has depression thou so that's probably a lot of it. I'm doing my best to be supportive & reassure her. I think our Guinea pig & cat are missing Winnie too but I think they'll bounce back pretty quick. We buried Winnie today at Cass's parents house since we live in an apartment. It'll take some time but we'll gradually start feeling better. I'm sorry I made you cry but I really appreciate your concern