nca14 wrote:
I think that I am NOT stereotypically autistic. I also may describe myself as OBVIOUSLY autistic. I may think that my autism is from schizotypal continuum (I have aslo diagnosis of schizotypal disorder since above five years), not from family of early infantile autism described by Leo Kanner. In English Wikipedia there was an article entitled "schizotypal autism". It was about Mendelsohnn's syndrome, a mental disorder which occurs in northeastern Europe. I do not think that Mendelsohnn's syndrome is the only form of schizoautistic developmental condition. I would say that I have other form of mental illness that is also a PDD that something described by Mendelsohnn. I think I could be described as "creepier" than individuals with "normal" ASD (and I do not want to consider individuals with ASD "creepy").
You are not creepy.
Plz don't rag on yourself. Before I knew what autism was I was convinced I was schizoid from a class project in which that seemed to fit me best.
Be who you are freely and if you do need the other diagnosis you are wondering about for mental help like therapy or meds just dont let it affect your self worth.
People in this world are very quick and eager to push anyone who they sense seems to rag on themselves to the ground, and grind their shoes on their backs. So to speak... I dont know how else to put it
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill