I hate the way I can't explain myself properly, which makes people take me the wrong way.
Also, I hate the way I explain things in the most simplist form without using ''intelligent'' words. By using ''big'' words explains to other people how you really feel.
(Example) A few months ago my bus arrived to the bus-station on time and parked in the right bay and everything, then we were all waiting and it didn't come to the stand to pick us up - instead it just sat there, when it should have left 5 minutes ago. So someone went and asked the driver what was going on, and he said it has broken down, and the person what asked came down and told all the people waiting for it. I was standing with some other regular passangers who I knew, and I said, ''oh, it came all right,'' but I knew what I said could have been said in a better way, then another woman said, ''it pulled in all right.'' And I thought to myself, ''that's a better way to say it.'' Do you get my drift? I think the more good you can say things, the more people listen to you and understand you better.
Whatever I say usually doesn't make sense, and then I have long silences trying to think of a good word, then by the time I do the conversation has finished or changed onto someone else. I just think the way I say things sound so plain.