hobojungle wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
hobojungle wrote:
Soul Man - Sam & Dave
Makes references to a boy-girl relationship. "Come at ya. Down that dusty road. A ton a lovin. I got a truckload ...I m a soul man..."
No. If Wikipedia is to be believed, this song is inspired by the Civil Rights Movement. Thank you for playing.
Still doesn't count.
At least that's my understanding of how were doing it here.
If its ostensibly a song about a boy girl relationship it wouldn't count even if there was a political subtext. "Soul Man", and "Rescue Me" were both inspired by the Civil RIghts Movement of the Sixties but both are ostensibly love songs in the lyrics. In contrast songs like "We Shall Over Come" (also associated with the Civil Rights Movement) are straight up political anthems, and thus they
would count as being on our list of "songs not about love". Or that's my interpretation of the unspoken "rules" here.
Not sure how to classify "Big Yellow Taxi" (they paved paradise and put up a parking lot). Lol!