chrissyrun wrote:
heckeler06 wrote:
-Book I am reading "Cigarettes"
-Book I just got and want to read and caved and read the first few pages "Tlooth"
Which book?
Na, that doesn't sound too fun.
What is the Tlooth book about? That sounds really cool!
Psh! "Cigarettes" has nothing to do with cigarettes, sorta. It's just about.... peoples relationships with other people. And insurance fraud. And a painting. And painting theft. And insurance fraud involving that painting. The chapters are: Allan and Elisabeth, Oliver and Elisabeth, Owen and Phoebe, Allan and Owen.... and so and and so on. OH, horse racing is a recurring motif as well.
Tlooth. I'm just copying the back:
This novel begins in a Russian Prison camp at a baseball game featuring the Defective Baptists versus the Fideists. There is a plot (of sorts). One of revenge surrounding a doctor who, in removing a bone spur from our Narrator, manages to amputate a ring and index finger, a significant surgical error considering that the Narrator, is, or WAS, a violinist.
When Dr. Roak is released from prison, our Narrator escapes in order to begin the pursuit, and thus begins a digressive journey from Afghanistan to Venice, then on to India and Morocco and France. All of this takes place amid Mathews's fictional concern and play with games, puzzles, arcana, and stories within stories.
fin. Harry Mathews is the author of both!