nca14 wrote:
I might say that I am a hybrid of autistic/schizophrenic-schizotypal-schizoid and NT/NVLD. I had diagnoses of schizotypal disorder and Asperger's at the same time very often, but I do not have severe symptoms of schizophrenia spectrum conditions or many classic signs of ASD. I have also a severe form of OCD since above 11 years or at least can think so.
I have a problem because I did many very evil things in my childhood and earlier adolescence which were at least similar to crimes. Despite the fact that I (at least almost completely) did not drink alcohol after my first Holy Communion when I was below 9 years old. I also did not smoke marijuana, use cocaine, amphetamine, heroin or other classic intoxicants, I also have not smoked a cigarette in my life at all. I did not say vulgar words almost completely since my childhood but I committed very bad deeds before having 16th birtday.
I’m the same, never got into the use of any mind-altering substances or other things in the “drug” category, and also didn’t usually swear (though on occasion I would just to get attention, usually just when it was only other kids around and I thought they’d think it was funny). However, I didn’t understand the difference between good attention and bad attention, I just wanted some form of reaction. I also had no concept of people smiling or laughing when uncomfortable, in pain, etc., so I always took those reactions as good things and thought they meant I should keep doing whatever caused them.
Yet in my new wildness and freedom I almost welcome the bitterness of alienage. For although nepenthe has calmed me, I know always that I am an outsider; a stranger in this century and among those who are still men.
-H. P. Lovecraft, "The Outsider"