Froya wrote:
Uncle wrote:
There were a number of combined factors that were involved. It wasn't down to a singular reason.
I share with three others and we are all very quiet, so works out quit well and its a big house. Spend most of my time in my room.
I finally have a group of housemates that generally gets the rent in to account on time
So a little less stress.
Well, dont for saving up
and bet your really happy having a place you really can call yours
Yes, if I can relax and let go of the fears of everything that can go wrong
Do you get any socialization with your house mates? Do you feel less lonely..?
I don't think I could have lived like that. I will probably get into conflicts with my upcomming neighbours
You sound pleased with it though
Its bitter sweet
We are not a social crew actually i would say we are all neurodiverse in our own individual way, so rarely any visitors and as i live on the upper floor i dont hear the door nor answer it, If i do hear it i know its pretty much not for me..
I did like my own place to a point. I was going through a rough long patch and totally closed myself off, including curtains, Totally froze if i heard someone at the door... I get social exposure now but its minimal...
My neighbours are cool, have a 90 year old fella next door, really nice chap and help him out now and again and barely hear anything from the others...
I have a nice view from the deck as pith this pic of the moonrise:
and one of our local sunsets:
So having a few good housemates with that view i think i can cope with the trade off