patternist wrote:
Today (that's right, today) there was tension at work, and I had to do something to relieve it. My boss was going through the desk of an employee we'd fired about 8 months ago...and found a cosmetic "grill" - a metal plate that goes over your front teeth for the sake of "bling". It had rhinestones on it, too. They were all tossing it around like it was toxic, or something. So, my boss' boss offered $5 to one of the other employees to try ti on and pose for a picture.
Big class-clown-ish black guy. He declined. "No effin' way" he said
Remember the tension? I said "I'll do it, I need the money". "No, I'm serious".
Pictures were taken...the boss gave me 5 bucks, which I tried to give back to him, and he declined.
Okay, we gotta see pictures...
"The cordial quality of pear or plum
Rises as gladly in the single tree
As in the whole orchards resonant with bees."
- Emerson