I think that I have undescribed sort of autism/pervasive developmental disorder/mental illness/developmental schizophrenia-spectrum disorder which is different from "classic" autism, pathological demand avoidance syndrome, specific developmental disorders, personality disorders, "typical" schizophrenia or "typical" psychosis. I might name my condition as "bizastrosis" (from "bizarre", "strange" and "psychosis"), "pathological nonconformism syndrome", "extreme hedonism syndrome". I do not tolerate larger sufferings or difficults. I have "obsession" about comfortable and pleasurable life. I am "aplatonic", "hypersexual", not aromantic, peculiar in sexual preferences. I have ideas of reference, grandiosity/messengership, derealization. I might be described as pathologically concerned (I have disgnosis of OCD and get a lot of SSRI) and lazy, cowardish, selfish
My mentality "created" new monotheistic religion which teaches universal salvation (eternal, with bliss and comfort) of all sentient beings without any scary divine punishments like torture or annihilation and "not hard", "sweet", "not so requiring" morality and practices. This religion might be considered as something opposite of abrahamic religions based on, for example, Quran, Torah, Book of Enoch, Bible.
My "mentality" considers material evil (aka physical evil) as worse and more evil than moral evil.
My "mentality" despises pain, suffering (at least that which not truly mild one) and annihilation!
My "mentality" "wonders" if "total" solipsism is true
"Total" solipsism would mean that only one sentient being can exist in entire being (God + creation) - I. "Total" solipsism looks not as bad as torture (especially or at least endless and/or non-beneficial for tortured one) or annihilation for my "mentality". "Total" solipsism would mean that The God is not able of creating sentient beings other than Himself. "Total" solipsism is an absolute crazy idea, but it looks for my mentality to be somewhat really useful in theological and ontological reflections (for example in reflections about unitarianism and polytarianism (trinitarianism is a form of polytarianism)).