Hey man. Did the appointment go well this morning? Hope so.
Other reason for me posting here is this. It's all true and logical and in reply to....
'Nice gasket, was that the one ali baba stole from the cave?'
Indeed, indeed. You know your random facts, IwB. Um.... Quite a long story of course but after Hannibal went over the Alps with his elephants, something went wrong. Something to do with drawing pins, those same s*ckers that did the Dinosaurs in but that would take too long to elaborate now. Anyway.... something went wrong and Hannisuckle decided to go the States instead. That was of course as one knows in 1492. He brought with him the stolen statue of Liberty, made by Rodin, 'I think', for Louise the 14th. Hanniballs boat 'The holy ark' was almost cracking up under the load of the statue but after the pigeons were released everything was fine again. By that time he realized they had made a huge mistake, by sailing the wrong way around. That's where the word 'bugger' first started to get into fashion. Anyway after they dug the Panama canal, (mind you, there were no shovels in those days so how the heck they did it remains a mystery till this day on), they could proceed. Well a little jump now chronologically.... that is how the gasket ended up in the cage. And Baba stole it not long after that. What morals. Pfff.
Hope that cleared things up a bit.