stop overthinking or stop thinking, or is it feeling(s)
the new constellation, suddenly we are in full popularity wars??
or am i bullied in a sneaky way not that sneaky, but its unbelievable to anyone if you are the unpopular
otoh, also someone asked if i could do this thing, it looked complicated, oh now half in it gets more complicated, i see it is the usual, it can't be done how they think it should, but explaining doesn't help, they think not reason- but how i don't do it their right way, wow
I mean beèèh, i mean if you tread out of the possible, things get soooo complicated ----- watch out they don't turn it into you having to pay (in their minds)(funny how free services always make people want total servitude)(that's why i stopped that in the first place)
Explaining makes people think you make things up, how-what?? logic has a strange effect, eg; electricity works only in a continued system, not some spots here and there, that's not possible, but when its seems complicated to them it must be for shady reasons,
oh well, nice try, don't mingle again
forgetting again that nt's don't work on saying things only once,
only once is for false promisses and lip-service,