Warning: this dream contains some "body horror" that may be disturbing to some some dreamers.
Last night I dreamed that my parents, my brother and I were going on a trip. I thought we were going to Halifax or something like that, but no one really said where we were going. Then we stopped and stayed at some house for the night. I had to share a bed with my mom, which is something we normally wouldn't because she knows how difficult it is for me to get to sleep and I value my privacy. But here we are in a bed with the TV on and I can't fall asleep (in my dream). Then my mom gets up to sleep somewhere else, I guess. Then I notice I'm breaking out into a strange, hideous rash that really itches. First it looks like small, crusty bumps on my hands, but then I get bigger, blister-like bumps aon the body, including one that's about the size of a ping-pong ball on my head. I'm wondering what is wrong with me? It can't be chicken pox because I already had that as a kid, and doesn't appear to be shingles. And except for the itching and rash I feel fine. And then suddenly it's morning and I haven't slept and I'm kind of freaking out but everyone else is up and making breakfast. Then we suddenly have a storm where the wind is so strong it starts to slowly rotate the house we're in and I start to freak out even more. I get back into bed and hide under the covers even though I knows really silly. Finally the house stops moving and I get up and go into the bathroom and I take look at the bathtub and yell "Arrgh! The tub looks a sawmp!!" And it did, it was full of slimy green water and I no desire to take a bath even though it might have soothed the itching red boils on my body somewhat. I then finally show the rash to my mom and she says we can't leave to see a doctor or anything. Then a bunch of strange men came over. I think they were there to entertain us or something. One of them is supposedly a doctor and I ask him about my rash, but he's not a real doctor, what's more he's pretending to be a medieval physician who tells me to swallow something I don't remember but was disgusted by it. At least he didn't tell me I had the plague and needed to be leeched. But then things get even worse. The bumps start bursting open. It's painless but all this foamy, watery fluid starts gushing out. All over my legs and arms. Soon I'm dripping with it and I'm worried I'm going to die of dehydration from losing so much body water. Then I go look in the mirror and notice the lower half of my leg is missing even though I'm still walking and standing.
That's all I remember before I woke up. I really hope this dream wasn't my body's way of warning me that I'm now incubating some real horrific illness that will show itself in a another day or two. A couple of years ago I once got a weird rash for no obvious reason after coming home from a trip ( I think it was from the hot tub), so maybe that's why had this dream.
Or maybe it's a prophecy that bioterrorists are going to kill infect us with the plague or something else horrible.
But I don't really believe in dream prophecies.