makuranososhi wrote:
No. A thousand times, no. First, I can't stand crowds. Second, I don't do mornings. Third, I generally buy vintage or very specific gifts if I am giving something as a present.
Why do you celebrate Christmas; if you don't, then why not...?
I don't celebrate x-mas, formally, but it was acknowledged to various degrees when I was growing up. However, due to poverty, few traditional customs were ever practiced. I live alone, and have no personal attachment to the holiday. I may or may not call family on the holiday and they may or may not call me.
Darn, I am too slow.
iawbrodt wrote:
Do you drink on New Years Eve?
I have only drunken an entire glass once, last year, at a gay bar.
Question: Answer a physics question that you do not currently know the answer to. Why did you pick this question? (how you interpret and handle this question is part of the fun.)