First i would like to apologise for my reprehensible behaviour the last couple of days...
second, Thanks B
for the Happy birthday!
Thanks Mate!
trois, I can't understand a thing Erminia and MisC are saying!
Cut that out this instant!
MissConstue wrote:'re age 1 Syz..... Confused"
Erminea wrote:
And yeah, Syzygyish went from 40 something to 1. Incroyable, how does he do that? Aboriginal bushcraft, I suppose. (share some knowledge, mate)
If dc

can be 117 and TallyMan can be 148
why can't be I one?
It's not like I'm ever gonna grow up!
and now, if you'll excuse me, there's this really interesting documentary on called
"Space Chimps" on
and you know I have to stay up to date with the very latest revelations
about space exploration1
Be kinder than necessary for everyone is fighting some kind of battle