kraftiekortie wrote:
If you don't mind me asking: what are you competing in?
Ok this is gonna sound weird to non-FFA people.
Horse Evaluation.
Um, its like pretending to be the judge of a horse show? We watch several classes of riding and in hand and place the horses in order of best to worst. Than we have to do a short speech called "oral reasons" where we explain why we placed them that way to test our knowledge. (A lot of people struggle on oral reasons) We also have an individual quiz (color, breeds, tack, etc) a team test (very hard) and a team presentation (a 5 minute oral presentation on a scenario like a horse in your barn getting a certain disease).
Its really subjective because you're trying to match the placings of the official judge who might like a certain horse more than you. You only have 10 minutes to prepare your entire team presentation so thats very challenging as well.
I dont expect to win as a team because there are a couple states that like always win (Like Oklahoma- one of the top horse states in the country). However, I competed in Extemporaneous Public Speaking as well so Im really hoping I place in the top five individuals for oral reasons since they are a lot like extemp.
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