dragonsanddemons wrote:
longshot wrote:
dragonsanddemons wrote:
But, I can see you though!! !
Obsessed (intense return of an old special interest)
I actually seem to have what I call "social invisibility," where people see me enough not to run into me or anything, but it's like their brains don't really consciously acknowledge my presence. Seems to work somewhat well online, as well as in person.
It could be possible that you could have your guard up and you appear very intense to other people. I felt that way as well but as I went to this program more and more that helps with socializing my guard has lowered a little and I seem to appear less intense to other people.
I do have a question: is there someone's attention you are trying to grab? I usually don't notice my "socially invisibility" unless I wanted more attention or was trying to grab someone else's attention for a reason.
Autism is a disorder not a personality trait!
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference."