I made a plus-sized woman feel good about herself by having a good talk with her about body positivity. What a lovely woman!
People often don't understand how weight problems work. A lot of people have bad thyroids, same with thin people. That makes them already more vulnerable to gain (or lose) weight. Next to that, you have the addiction and comfort of what food brings. Those people often get bullied, have a low self-image and get treated like crap by their environment. Things like loneliness, job or money problems, really anything that causes stress or anxiety can trigger an eating disorder or addiction. Just being a hermit, not doing anything can make you slowly get bigger and bigger.
Until a person feels better about themselves, accepts themselves for who they are, feels good in their skin and mental condition, they can't really do anything about it because you don't have the strength. Often bullies tell overweight people that they are fat and bully them with the excuse that it might make them stop eating and start doing something about it. No, it makes them eat more, feel worse about themselves. Love them, support them, don't judge them, that is what can help them in losing weight, if they want of course.
And never forget, it isn't your life, so in the end, it's none of your business.

Please be good to nature and all animals. Please be kind, respectful and patient with everyone. Equality and equity.