My tutor is rude at this point. I cannot stand people who don't email back. He was meant to get in touch with us on Monday and Didn't. In the mean time if we had questions or comments we could email him and he would reply to us. No. Not to me.
Can't help but feel part of this is because I'm further along in my career than he is. But that happens in artistic lifelong learning courses, it's something that tutors have to deal with. I'm autistic and been honest about that and he's meant to help with the clear language side of things etc but he refuses to do that.
I somehow managed to start my routine only at 2pm. I was distracted. I kept checking on here and things on other sites rather than cracking on with routine.
No art done today.
My cat stole my lunch, see above if you want to be grossed out.
Probably going to get in a rut now where I don't do art.
I should have probably mentioned on the 'what are your disabilities thing' 'I also have social anxiety and can't handle long silences'.
And because autistic people struggle with keeping in touch socially, no doubt I'll have someone on here tell me off for complaining about my tutor 1 he doesn't seem aspie and NTs don't find it hard to talk to people 2 he's paid to deal with students so it quits being a social thing 3 my social anxiety makes me feel like rubbish if I don't get replies and 4 he told us he'd reply more than he has replied.