These aren't very major things but a few things made me unhappy yesterday
Me & my girlfriend planned to go to the mall, treat her sister to Applebee's for her birthday, I was gonna get my hair cut, & we were gonna stop at PetCo on the way to the mall. Anyways we didn't factor in time for PetCo so we left latter than we should of. We also left half an hour later than we planned because the neighbors started playing heavy bass downstairs & it upset Cass cuz she's sensitive to that & the frustration delayed her getting ready. It also didn't help that she was on FB a while & used up some of her energy & got depressed rite before the bass started. We stopped at PetCo along the way to get some chew toys for my chinchilla. We normally go to PetSmart but we hadn't been to a pet store in a while & decided to try something different incase Co would have some different stuff. They did but they didn't have much in the way of chew torys for him thou we did get some stuff. A tad disappointing but I figured we could just go to Smart in the next couple weeks & what we got him today will hold him over till then. While we were at Applebee's, Cass noticed she had a missed call from our property management. They left a message & said how Cass didn't pay her portion of the rent in September & we needed to pay rite away. We had a different property manager at that time who didn't last long & the only stuff he did was toot his own horn about how great he was. The manager who left a message today said the transitioning to a new property manager was probably the reason noone noticed till now. Cass was sure she had paid the rent, she had it listed in her checkbook registry & she wasn't aware of having any extra money in her bank. Our mail does screw up sometimes so there was a chance they didn't get the check. Cass went online when we got home & checked her bank statements & the check had gone through. She sent an email to property manager basically saying that she has always paid our portion of the rent before it was due in the 6 years we were living here with one exception. Our refrigerator broke a couple years ago & it took 10 days before we could get another one. We lost a lot of groceries that were meant to be kept cool. The cost of the groceries was higher than her portion of the rent. We were legally allowed to deduct our rent to make up the cost. Cass sent a letter instead of the rent explaining the situation & we never heard anything about it. so we assumed that went OK. When Cass was sending the email today she also sent a screen shot of the check that was shown in her bank & she also sent a copy of her bank statement & had circled her rent charge for that month that was listed. She also said that the other property manager must not of entered it into the system that we paid it. We're in the process of trying to move & are on waiting lists for places & a mark on our record for not paying our rent could hurt us so hopefully this will be straightened out fast. Anyways after Applebee's, we went to the hair cut place but they had just closed. We didn't know they closed that early. I guess I'll have to try again another day. We took the bus back to the bus station after Cass & her sister went to a couple stores in the mall. By the time we got back to the station, it was too late for me & Cass to catch a bus to our place so we had to walk. Walking bothered us because it was freaking cold & had snowed some yesterday so the sidewalks were alittle dangerous. We heard the bass when we got home but it stopped shortly after thankfully. I had an upset stomach 1ce we got home. I had baked beans the day before yesterday for lunch & I ate a lot. They can upset my stomach some. I also had onion-rings at Appleebees & onion-rings can also upset my stomach. I guess the combo gave me diarrhea. I'll be eating the leftover beans for lunch today & tomorrow probably so hopefully my stomach won't be too bad the next couple days. I took a nap for a few hours & my stomach was still upset when I got up but I think it might be OK now.