Sylkat wrote:
DearMissConstrue, I'm enjoying reading your posts, you are one of the articulate, compassionate people whose level of self-awareness is a good example for me!
One thing, were told, by a Psychiatrist or Psychologist, I assume, that Asperger's is rare in females?
And this was when?
There are officially 63,000 members here, who knows how many visitors, and someone says female Aspies are RARE?
Funny thing, there are a LOT of females posting here, most are members....
Well, MissConstrue, we must be rare, exotic, and special!

Thank you. I usually feel like a mess when I type or talk for that matter though typing helps get my words across better.
Yeah I was told all the time how AS was rare in females by both doctors and on WP. Even now I still hear this old myth. I'm not sure why this is, I have noticed though that there does seem to be a rise of females on WP than there use to be. I use to complain that we didn't have enough females here and now wow, it's good to see more of us. I think for most of us we present it "differently" or so I hear. Part of it may have to do with society, females are usually pigeon holed as the quiet, reserved type. However in contrast to this personality I showed to more or less protect myself from bullying, I went through a string of hospitalizations due to meltdowns and depression. I was put through one hospital and doctor after another and nobody knew what was wrong with me except depression. It was very crazy and I still think there are a lot of us who are probably still undiagnosed. However I think AS, mild autism is finally getting its recognition. The best I think most of us can do is spread the awareness and educate those who don't know about it. There are still people in my area who have no idea what it is. When they think of autism, they think of severe autism but not the milder form which to me is mild by no means, rather a spectrum. Anyway I was diagnosed back in 2004. I think a lot has changed since then but again I still hear the same ole' crap about how it's rare among females but usually by other members.
I live as I choose or I will not live at all.
~Delores O’Riordan