Occupational choices and positive outcomes as a whole tend to be based upon an economic diversity within your community as whole, as well if there are institutions and agencies that have the tools and resources to help work able autistic adults.This is not the most pleasant thing to say, though I've seen some autistic persons relegated to poverty stricken low wage jobs that tend to demonize a person(s). In fact, I have been one of those individuals literally cause, even when given diagnostic tests to determine where I would flourish, career counselors(s) would rather ignore the the reports & analysis, instead place me in a job that had absolutely no value or profit for me as autistic person as whole.
Finally, after so many years, I was able to not only return to university and prove I was capable to doing well there,but managed to earn my A+ computer certification which, even if is just a minor accomplishment to some people, I see to gain employment which will help me to achieve a level of self independence and self reliance.
Yes, I could go into greater detail, but I feel I would only hinder,burden,bore others here in this thread;therefore, I'll conclude by saying, I would not want others on the spectrum to find themselves in the various scenarios I have..