nick007 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
found most of the paperwork I need to apply for my pension.

That's good. I just threw the paperwork I may need or might should keep for various things, in a drawer & nothing is really organized. I still have to vote. I got the ballot in the mail yesterday. I also got a survey from Social Security in about a month ago that they really want me to fill out. & I also got in a survey for the health center & another one from the hospital I've been putting off doing. I really should get to this stuff but I've been occupied, stressed or don't have the focus. What made me happy today is that I finally vacuumed & I dusted alittle 1st. I've been putting it off for a while cuz our place is a mess but I just did what I could easily get mostly.
glad to hear you got the gumption to clean up, I need some of that, do you think you could send me some?

do the low-hanging fruit things first. the things that nag at you the most. attend to the others piecemeal when you can. I went through a foot of paperwork, dusty and musty, made me sneeze my head off as I had not opened those drawers for 10 years, not since I put the paperwork in there in 2008.
I really was supposed to do it a couple weeks ago but instead I sorted papers. By sorted I mean I went threw them & put some in recycling, some in a pile to be shredded when we pull the shredder out, & I threw the 1s I wanted to keep in a drawer. I barely have enough gumption to do things I really need to do lately. I know voting is most critical so I'll do that & then I'll do that Social Security survey.