longshot wrote:
The complete absurdity of how so many people within the spectrum are often overlooked when it comes to becoming employed.. I know this myself on a personal level,cause I feel I'm simply being dismissed as having no skills(direct or indirect of said positions) making me literally feel I must have an IQ of 70. I know I should not be wording it as such, but despite the fact, I struggled to earn my CompTia A+ certification, seems that in some people's I accomplished nothing.
Yeah I have a degree and an MA and not in obscure subjects either (although MA in librarianship was a bit impractical when I got it as they were shutting down libraries. Still didn't explain why I couldn't get a conventional one). I'm on ESA support level which means I can't look for work. Partly because I'm autistic. The form of autism that used to be called Asperger's too, not severe autism or anything.
But autistic people (of high IQ) are just like regular, competent people. Not particularly socially gifted but work shouldn't be about that anyway.
I think they ought to do tests for some jobs rather than all jobs requiring interviews. And practicals for other jobs. It used to be that they'd test people practically for if they could do trade type work especially unskilled work. Now, everyone has to prove they're people-people. The worst is in your line of work - why not test people practically when it comes to computer skills? Computer people aren't generally people-people.
Also I work longer hours than anyone else I know. I'm a poet and it doesn't pay but I still work long hours without breaks. I'm a real perfectionist, too.
I'm annoyed today because I was at a 'workshop' last night which was advertised as for everyone and it's for beginner writers with mental health conditions and most of them are right out of hospital, most of them are ESA support level as well and it's £24 a year! They're marketing it as therapy. I think it's disgusting hospitals don't offer it for free and it's weird that they're trying to rope in the general public who don't have conditions.