A few months ago, my sister asked to take over feeding my therapy dog for me. I thought it was uncharacteristically nice of her but didn't think much of it. Fast forward to now: she's declared that my therapy dog is hers, since she feeds it, and she's going to turn her into her service dog.
Over the last few months, she's been keeping my dog away from me. Every time my dog comes over to sit with me or asks me for something, my sister will try to move her away. She's been taking her out of the house on trips into public without asking or telling me. Now she's bought herself a clicker and is trying to teach my dog to do tasks for her - this is ridiculous. We considered using my dog as my service dog a year or so ago. We even had people asking to train her for us, but we decided that she wasn't suited for it. My sister can't expect to use her, given my dog's health issues. It would be inhumane. Besides that, she's my therapy dog! My sister doesn't have any medical conditions or disorders, either - it's not clear exactly why she thinks she needs a service dog.
I'm really fed up with having my therapy dog blocked from helping me. She's hugely important - when my parents gave her to me years ago, it was because my autism symptoms worsened to the extent that I was extremely agoraphobic and had panic attacks every time I was in an even slightly stimulating sensory environment. My dog's been my biggest source of comfort since then. I am furious with the entitlement of sister.
I have not the kind affections of a pigeon. - Ralph Waldo Emerson