What's the last weirdest dream you had?

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what's the last weirdest dream you had, by type?
*I dream weird Technicolor dreams most of the time! :jester: 14%  14%  [ 88 ]
*I dream mostly vivid but totally "normal" dreams generally. :salut: 11%  11%  [ 71 ]
*I tend to dream "average" blah dreams. :| 4%  4%  [ 26 ]
*I generally dream in vivid colors and sounds :jester: 14%  14%  [ 89 ]
*I tend to dream in average/subdued colors and subdued/muted sounds :| 5%  5%  [ 32 ]
*I dream only in shades of gray. :| 0%  0%  [ 3 ]
*I never seem to remember my dreams. :| 9%  9%  [ 60 ]
*I have mostly good dreams :) 9%  9%  [ 56 ]
*I have mostly nightmares or night fillies :help: 11%  11%  [ 71 ]
*I LUCIDLY DREAM! :star: :colors: 14%  14%  [ 93 ]
*I wanna nice yummy ice cream! :chef: 9%  9%  [ 57 ]
Total votes : 646


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17 May 2015, 2:46 pm

The other night I had a dream that stressed me out because it tried to cram everything all together

I think we started at my parent's house for a family reunion and a toddler cousin ended up getting lost and Aunt Jo (no relation to the cousin) started freaking out so we had to run around the suddenly massive yard that was full of strange creatures like massive giant frogs that I was terrified of, strange large feral cats, and strange worms that spat acid. A drop of acid got on my dad's head, but I was able to wipe it off before it got too bad.
We split up while the other kids (for some reason 3 of my cousins were all toddlers again) were watching American Tail. We walked past this pond and we had to check to make sure the missing cousin hadn't fallen in and I was surprised to see to the bottom of the pond, which had to be at least 100 feet down. We ran past ancient elven ruins, but couldn't find him.
Then I had to take my kids to the doctor because they were sick and we couldn't figure it out and the nurses took my youngest to a separate room, and he apparently had a blow out diaper and was screaming and it was a mess. Nurses everywhere... So we left and had to cross this arena where people were riding horses, and this large Friesian came barreling down on me and I couldn't get out of the way in time and it trampled me. That really really hurt, I felt the hoof go down on my neck...
Then we noticed that things were getting dark(er) and we heard rumors of something bad happening, people disappearing. Turned out that Maleficent was using the Eluvians to bring in the darkspawn, and she used tribbles as bait, so Doc Brown told Josh Hutcherson he had to use a time machine (HG Wells style) to go back to 1847, because apparently it was 1865 and 1847 was when he could stop it and he ended up in Abe Lincoln's house while I tried to figure out how to make sure the time machine would get back to the present, because we apparently weren't going back?
Then I tried to use the app on my phone to call in some nurses to help out, but I kept screwing it up and I guess it got too boring for me because I woke up.

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17 May 2015, 2:52 pm

:star: :o :D :o :star:
THAT was an EXCELLENT dream, IMHO :jester:


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20 May 2015, 3:41 am

I had a bunch of strange dreams involving me piling into a van with my family and going to some big museum-like castle in france. explored a bunch of different rooms and went upstairs into at least 3 large restrooms and deposited an article of clothing in each, then went back downstairs and sat at a great dining table, the long kind where the king sat at one end. at the king's end of the table there was food and in the dream I was hungry so I sat down and ate while pondering which bathrooms I left my clothing in. food workers dressed in white very quickly slipped me flimsy plates with more food on them as I sat and ate, and some of the food spilled off the warped plates onto the somewhat cheap plastic table cover that was itself wrinkled and askew. I tried to wipe some of it with a napkin as I did not dare do my normal table-licking routine in front of all those other people. then a nurse I worked with in the army showed up as she was back in the day, and she told me not to worry about licking the table as her aunt did that also. then I awoke.


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20 May 2015, 9:43 am

auntblabby wrote:
:star: :o :D :o :star:
THAT was an EXCELLENT dream, IMHO :jester:

Thank you
You have some pretty cool dreams too. I love reading about other people's dreams.

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20 May 2015, 1:56 pm

prego :)
I dreamt I was at some airport, and I was wandering around from one end of it to another, but the reason why evaporated upon waking up and having to empty my bladder. :|


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21 May 2015, 7:03 pm

I dreamt I was in an operating room someplace, we were doing a C-section, and I was using some weird telescopic apparatus to adjust the temperature on the infant warming table, and the pediatricians were telling me to keep turning up the heat. then the surgeon asked me for a "sharp pokey" so I searched on my mayo tray for one and handed it to her. then I awoke. :scratch:


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21 May 2015, 10:19 pm

Oh prego dreams can be fun 8O
I had some weird ones while pregnant with my kids.

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22 May 2015, 12:54 am

kamiyu910 wrote:
Oh prego dreams can be fun 8O
I had some weird ones while pregnant with my kids.

hopefully none of them involved surgery.


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22 May 2015, 8:26 am

I am having weird combos of vivid, almost lucid (control without awareness), good... nightmares. LOL

Weirdest dream I had recently was one about playing billiard with my aunt during someones funeral. I was loosing but started winning once the billiard balls turned into sun and planets just like in the anime Death Parade.
Other people in the dream were no better - they were singing, dancing and doing barbecue around the coffin.


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22 May 2015, 10:23 am

I need more lucid dreams. :|


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26 May 2015, 3:24 pm

I had a strange dream about work in the hospital, I was supposed to deposit a surgical specimen [it was in a big bucket] at the lab on the way home from work but instead, I stuck it on my bicycle and biked home from work and then started biking on a nature trail when I encountered another biker riding fast and hard up and down some hills, and he saw me and asked me why I had a bucket with a surgical specimen on the back of my bike, and in the dream I said YIKES! :o and I was wondering how in the hell I was gonna get that specimen to the lab now after closing hours, and I was thinking how much trouble I was gonna be in, what static I was gonna hear from the surgeon. that woke me, but I fell asleep after emptying my bladder and dreamt about having invented a process for turning dinner into a liquid that one could drink on the go, and it had a catchy name that unfortunately evaporated upon waking.


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26 May 2015, 5:50 pm

I had an unpleasant dream that the only food for everyone was cooked mice where you ate bones and all. I was in the middle of my meal saying "I hate this. I hate this so much."



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26 May 2015, 6:15 pm

To see a mouse in your dream indicates fear, meekness, insignificance and a lack of assertiveness. You are experiencing feelings of inadequacy and fears that you are not measuring up. The dream may be telling you that you are spending too much time hiding in the shadows of someone else. Alternatively, a mouse symbolizes minor irritations and annoyances. Perhaps you are letting petty problems or insignificant issues eat away at you. The dream may also be a pun on a computer mouse and your connection to work or to the virtual world. To dream that you or someone is eating a mouse indicates that there is something nagging at your conscience. You need to get it off your chest.


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26 May 2015, 7:04 pm

I think the dream was a combination of reading about mechanically separated chicken and trying to organize my apartment. I have difficulty deciding what papers, receipts, etc. to throw away and what to keep. So, I am going through boxes of papers making those decisions. I think, as I go along, "I hate this. I hate this so much." So, I think the last two sentences of your paragraph applies most. By getting rid of unnecessary papers, I am getting it off my chest and it certainly has been nagging at me.



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26 May 2015, 7:28 pm

it's good when we can find the answers to the riddles that are our dreams :)


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26 May 2015, 7:37 pm

I just wish I remembered my dreams to the extent I did in my early 20s. It is like finding a treasure box and losing most of the contents.
