I get calls for duct cleaning.
I tell them all my ducks are sterile.
That's funny.
When people fart on public transport, or when someone with a stinking cold sits next to you, coughing and sneezing and sounding like they should be in bed.
When you get a quiet day at work where there's nothing for you to do so you scrape around for little things to do to eat up time but by the time you finish them you've still got about 4 hours left of your shift with literally nothing to do but you feel guilty for just sitting around so you have to look busy for 4 hours, which feels pointless and tedious.
When car drivers blast their horn for no reason.
The way the word "literally" doesn't mean what it's supposed to mean any more, because when people use that word they still aren't actually being literate.
When I submit a post once and the thing comes up that tells you another post has been made while you were submitting, you ignore it and continue on and then realise it's just your post gone through twice.
When you've made multiple posts in the same couple of threads so you've got to keep scrolling down and going on to the next page to view your other recent posts.