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14 Mar 2011, 3:43 am

Tomasu wrote:
jmnixon95 wrote:
Both of my feet are 'asleep', my God!

^^ Yaye, I do hope that your happy feet are enjoying lovely dreams, jmnixon95.

:lol: Thanks for the laugh.

"A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, even though we do not love it."


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14 Mar 2011, 3:54 am

Can't sleep! Like always.


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14 Mar 2011, 4:12 am

dunbots wrote:
Woot! Finally got my custom rank. 8)

^^ Very well done, dunbots!

My Happy Blog:


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14 Mar 2011, 5:27 am


I'm just practising putting up videos on here, here is Brazos by Buckethead, it's one of his earliest recordings, and it's great. He submitted it to Guitar Player Magazine as part of a contest in 1988, and it came runner up. Hope you like it! It's just a shame it doesn't appear on any of his albums.

:albino: THINGS I LIKE :albino:
Parasaurolophus, Plesiosaurs, Dinosaurs, Pterosaurs, Music, Tuna, Chocolate milk, Oreos, Blue things

Parasaurolophuscolobus. Parasaurcolobus. Colobusaurolophus.
....And Nunchucks are my friends.


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14 Mar 2011, 5:58 am

OH GOD I'M SCARED I'M sh*****g GIANT BRICKS. But at the same time quite pleased. BUT STILL AHHHHHHH

What film do atheists watch on Christmas?
Coincidence on 34th street.


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14 Mar 2011, 6:07 am

MONKEY wrote:
OH GOD I'M SCARED I'M sh*****g GIANT BRICKS. But at the same time quite pleased. BUT STILL AHHHHHHH

Explaination please? :P

:albino: THINGS I LIKE :albino:
Parasaurolophus, Plesiosaurs, Dinosaurs, Pterosaurs, Music, Tuna, Chocolate milk, Oreos, Blue things

Parasaurolophuscolobus. Parasaurcolobus. Colobusaurolophus.
....And Nunchucks are my friends.


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14 Mar 2011, 6:50 am

rabbitears wrote:
MONKEY wrote:
OH GOD I'M SCARED I'M sh*****g GIANT BRICKS. But at the same time quite pleased. BUT STILL AHHHHHHH

Explaination please? :P

Go on social skills and making friends forum. Explanation is there

What film do atheists watch on Christmas?
Coincidence on 34th street.


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14 Mar 2011, 6:57 am

Oh right. Well good luck, just be you, nothing wrong with a quiet person. Nothing much else I can say really. I'm not good at giving advice, but I suppose safety is a must when it comes to meeting people from the internet. Have a good time!

:albino: THINGS I LIKE :albino:
Parasaurolophus, Plesiosaurs, Dinosaurs, Pterosaurs, Music, Tuna, Chocolate milk, Oreos, Blue things

Parasaurolophuscolobus. Parasaurcolobus. Colobusaurolophus.
....And Nunchucks are my friends.


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14 Mar 2011, 7:00 am

(Appears) Good morning, WrongPlanet! This is your Friendly Resident Ghost saying: "Spring is upon us!" :D

I am Ashley. My pronouns are she/her.


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14 Mar 2011, 9:32 am

When you swim in the sea and a fish bites your knee, that's a moray.
Then he bites off your balls with pharyngeal jaws, that's a moraaaaay.

What film do atheists watch on Christmas?
Coincidence on 34th street.


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14 Mar 2011, 2:03 pm

15yrs on the net and still some things remain the same while other variables have changed dramatically...


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14 Mar 2011, 2:18 pm

Good afternoon. I'm a little late, today. I'm in a very good mood. I got my old book shelf back! :D

I put it downstairs when I first moved in. I've regretted it for years and than I found it in the common room. :)

I was able to put my books away and make room for the rest of my record collection! :D

The Family Enigma


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14 Mar 2011, 4:00 pm

That's funny MONKEY. :lol:

Good afternoon CockneyRebel. :)

Sometimes I feel like I have two different personalities (not separate, like dissociative identity disorder, mind you): an Aspie personality and a sociopath one. :?:


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14 Mar 2011, 4:53 pm

Good afternoon CockneyRebel/KyleTheGhost/rabbitears/dunbots and almost all others journeying through the realm of WP..


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14 Mar 2011, 5:00 pm

ProfessorX wrote:
Good afternoon CockneyRebel/KyleTheGhost/rabbitears/dunbots and almost all others journeying through the realm of WP..

Hello Prof. You haven't posted any videos in a while. I miss them.

:albino: THINGS I LIKE :albino:
Parasaurolophus, Plesiosaurs, Dinosaurs, Pterosaurs, Music, Tuna, Chocolate milk, Oreos, Blue things

Parasaurolophuscolobus. Parasaurcolobus. Colobusaurolophus.
....And Nunchucks are my friends.


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14 Mar 2011, 5:49 pm

Siëtiralimisë t’carttaë, setisoppoë eripsnië ytisoirucë.
Llaë d'niknamë evolë a revolë.

elehegë diehsnemë duohâ nawë tfeilegë etë

Eidë eznagë Tiehhcsnemï
T'beilë, tbeilegë uzë

Étinamuhlë tuotâ erèitneë
remiaë nuë tnamaë.

Llaë snoitazilarenegë eraë eslafë, gnidulcnië
sihtë enoë.

Ellaë seitasilarenegë
njizë t'cerrocnië, temë pirgebnië navë

Ellaë Negnureniemegllarevë
d'nisë h'cslafï, reseidë

Setuotâ selë
snoitasilarénégë tnosë sessuafë,emmocë

Tië sië emitë hciwë speekëh gnihtyreveë
morfë gnineppahë taë ecnoë.

sië edë djidë eidë tmokroovëh tadë sellaë
djitrekjilegetë druebegë.

Seë tsië
redë Tiezë trednihrevë ßadß TsaFë Sellaë
Gitiezhcielgë Theihcsegï.

A dribë nië ehtë h'nadë sië h'trowë
gnitiawë rofë.

Tehë sië't draawëh
moë poë neeëh legovë nië edë d'nadë etë

Seë tsië trewë fuaâ nieë
Legovë nië redë D'nahë uzë netrawë.

Revenë etamitserednuë ehtë rewopë foë
diputsë elpoepë nië a

Tachsrednoï tioonëh edë
thcarkë navë emmodë nesnemë nië neeëh

Tztähcsretnuï einë redë
Tffarkë nowë emmudë Nehcsemï nië eidë

Ehtë hturtë foë dniknamë;ethë rehtrafë morfë erutanë ewë tegë, ehtë eromë ekiltsæbë ewë emocebë.

Edë deihraawëh revoë edë diehsnemë; Eohâ reemëh ewë flezsnoë navë edë ruutanëh nediehcsrednoï- Eohâ reemëh githcatseebëh ewë nedrowë.

Eidë Tiehrhawë eidë Tiekhcilhcsnemë; Iewë rhemë riwë snuë nediehcstneï sedë Srutanë eiwë rhemë Hcsireitï riwë nedrewë.

Esohtë ohwë yrtë otë ebë tnerefidë eraë eromë ehtë emasë nahtë enoyreveë esleë.

Enegedë eidë nediehcsrevïh nereborpë etë njizë, ënjiz reemëh edfleztehë slaë ellaë nerednaë.

Ejë dreelëh neeëh toolipëh nekkekë snedjitë neeëh mrotsë.
Uoyë nrælë otë wonkë a tolipë nië a mrotsë.

Tehë tkaamëh teinï tiuú tawë nerednaë navë jimë nednivë, kië reestortëh edë nevlogë!

Tië tnseodà rettamë tahwë elpoepë yasë tuabaë emë, i rehtæwë ehtë mrotsë!

Namuhë yresimë tsumë erehwemosë evahë a potsë; erehtë sië onë dniwë tahtë syawlaë swolbë a mrotsë

Ekljilesnemë ednelleë teomä snegreë neeë potsë nebbehë,re taatsebneegëh dniwë eidë giwueeëh roodëh tsaarëh.
Retfaë a mrotsë semocë a mlacë,
Etlistë anë edë iubsreewnoüë.

Serehë otë ehtë tolipë tahtë derehtæwë ehtë mrostë.
Ewë eraë a petsë resolcë otë tië wonë - ehtë yadsmoodë oiranecsë
Ewë nemokë neeë patsë jibrethcidë edë gadsinemmeodrevë

Yltsomë ewë hsupë ffutsë, llupë ffutsë, kaerbë ffutsë dnaë taehë ffutsë puë.

Latseemëh newudë ewë negnidë, nekkertë negnidë, nekerbë negnidë neë nemrawrevë negnidë.

Rettamë sië edamë fië smotaë dnaë sië tonë
yletinifnië elbisividë.

Etinifnië ytilibisividë.

Nehwë ehtë retawë stratsë gniliobä tië sië hsiloofëh otë nrutë ffoë ehtë tæhë.

Snamuhë detnevnië sthgirë dnaë sthgirë eraë rofë snamuhë.

Edinamuhë noitnevnië

Ehtë tegratë foë ytimneë sië netfoë ehtë rehtoë.
Ehë owhë sië tonë foë ehtë evihë sië ehtë detahë ymeneë.

Siëtiralimisë t’carttaë, setisoppoë eripsnië ytisoirucë

Ozë githcarednidë
Ezë njizë ediebë edflezedë noosrepëh, yehtë eraë htobë ehtë emasë nosrepë.
I syawlaë rednowë

Tahwë eruoyë gniknihtë
Dnaë gnileefëh edisnië
I syawlaë rednowë
Tahwë tië thgimë ebë ekilë
Otë evolë uoyë ymë elohwë efilë

I syawlaë rednowë
Wohë a eurtë evolë dluowë leefëh
Peedëh nwodë nië ymë luosë
I syawlaë rednowë
Fië i nacë ogë ehtë ecnatsidë
Dnaë wonë i yllaerë tnawë otë wonkë

Esuacë i leefë sroodëh gninepoë
Dnaë smadë gnikaerbë
Dnaë ehtë sretawë gnillupë emë rednuë
Dnaë fië i tndidë lletë uoyë wonë
Wohë tuoë dnifë otë yrtë tndidë dnaë
Otë evolë uoyë.

Erehtë sawë a imanustë dnaë erehtë eraë albirretë larutanë sretsasidë, llaë foë sihtë esuacebë foë.

Tadë sië neegëh sdnalredenë.

Fië tië t'niaë hctudë tië t'niaë hctudë.

Sihtë sië tonë hctudë.

I syawlaë drednowë...yhwë tië sië tahtë aciremAë sië ehtë ylnoë yrtnuocë tahtë tnewë morfë msirabrabë otë ecnedacedë tuohtiwë noitazilivicë nië neewtebëh.

Siëtiralimisë t’carttaë, setisoppoë eripsnië ytisoirucë.