Lillikoi wrote:
Bro, I'm not asking to use your printer because I didn't know you can print things at the library; I'm asking to use your printer because I know you can print things at the library and I know it's danged expensive.
Or you can encrypt said document and upload it to a cloud that probably won't exist when you need it for the lulz
Or you can bury it on an encrypted SD card that probably won't exist when you need it for the lulz
Or you can slide it in the many holes of the city encrypted that probably won't exist when you need it for the lulz
Or you can disappear, print it, bury it and reappear that probably also won't exist when you need it for the lulz
Or you can just realize how f****d you are if you find yourself in need to encrypt documents and hide them anyway.
I know as little as possible for the lulz
Or you could be using a printer to print off school documents... that is more sane but I like it insane