dragonsanddemons wrote:
Dead ends, dead ends, and more dead ends. It seems that what I need to do to get the assistance I'd need to not live with my parents is age 50 years, and I can't wait that long. Doubtless my parents would be unable to provide for me before then anyway, and then what do I do? Stuck in the place where I'm not disabled enough to get assistance but I'm too disabled to do without it.
dragonsanddemons wrote:
My mom did not react positively at all at my suggestion that I was going to try to be happy with what I have instead of focusing on what I don't, even though I explained that this does not mean that I'm giving up all hope of ever being independent and that I will keep striving for it, just that I need to be able to accept it if it's not something I can achieve and if I will be able to achieve it, it won't be for a long time yet. I get the sneaking suspicion that she doesn't want to tell me, but she wants me out of the house sooner rather than later. I'm easier to love from afar.
I really relate to this unfortunately. I was born with lots of various physical & mental disabilities that I never got much help for as a kid cuz people didn't really know what was wrong with me. After I became an adult I was able to get SSI & Medicaid but that was it for my benefits. Docs in my area wouldn't accept Louisiana Medicaid so I had to pay for private health insurance witch had co-payments & deductibles & wouldn't cover mental. Over half of my full SSI when towards my needed medical expenses. As for me being independent & working, the best jobs I can get are minimum wage type stuff & it was a major struggle for me to find & get the jobs I've had. Louisiana voc-rehab was a waste of my time & kept telling me I needed to assert myself which I was already doing. There weren't many programs to help disableds where I lived & I didn't have the rite diagnoses or wasn't severely disabled enough in that one specific area to quality for anything. My mom HATED me living with her & dad & kept threatening to kick me out but never actually did. I ended up getting out of that hell cuz I met my current girlfriend online(this forum) & she's also disabled in lots of ways. She has more benefits than me including housing assistance so I moved in with her. Vermont is alot more progressive than Louisiana & the docs here actually accept the state Medicaid. I also have Medicare now thou cuz I worked enough to be eligible for Social Security Disability which is a little more than the state SSI amount. I do want to get a part time job where I could still keep my benefits but have something to do & a little extra money coming in. We really could use it now but we're in the process of trying to move & I'm not really sure how to go about that kinda job search.
I really wish you luck dragonsanddemons.