sidetrack wrote:
When the f---k will a fair amount of society admit that a fair amount of 'the working class' did not want to be working class. Underemployed students, degree educated immigrants who don't get their creditenials recognized, legitimately responsible and smart ppl with debilitating impairments visible AND non-visible.
Stop pretending that we're smiling, turn of the century primary sector labourers and admit that to how anything in the 'post-secondary' sector which isn't quasi-industrialized like call centres is still subject to the filthy popularity contest distribution of power/politics by ppl who 'never stop being children inside' .i.e. were self-satisfied with following the unfairly advantaged blood-soaked iniquity generatings hands of the foolishly entitled d---bags before them and like them continue to generate lip-service to value-systems which are suppose to become more prevalent, unambiguous, responsibly materially impacting in an 'information age' not meant to be about 'popular rich kid' shenanigans anymore.
Per usual, if you would like to me to shut up, please hire me at a place I like without many if any jacka--.
As 'mighty big' a request as the aftermath of asking a genie that you would like to *always* remain sane throughout your life.
..I was hired.