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10 Nov 2018, 11:50 pm

School shooting personality profile
Happy ending

Sweat gland
Pain receptors
High positive social energy extrovert
Doctor Spock

Spoiled upper middle class brat from aikido
The aikido instructor should not have let the lil dipshit in.
"Are you ok?".

Precious lil "people" act like they dragged my worthless corpse out of a burning building. Former counselor

75 bucks an hour. :skull: way overpaid


Civilian working for the military


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11 Nov 2018, 11:27 am

Can anger be related to sadness?


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11 Nov 2018, 12:57 pm

caThar4G wrote:
Can anger be related to sadness?



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11 Nov 2018, 1:12 pm

On my mind right now? Debating on whether I should scratch build a large ride on R/C tug boat, or a ride on barge to be pulled by a large R/C tug, or to build a large ride on R/C container ship....decisions. Solar power panels on top of the containers would make that easy. Plus that can be an access point for all the innards of the ship. Receiver in the super structure, so on and so forth. Tug would be trickier and a much larger scale...The container option would probably be easier to stabilize with a kayak positioning of the "seat" just fore of the superstructure using it as kind of a back rest. Then there's cost, custom trailer, legalities if any. Will probably get a kayak paddle in case something goes awry.


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11 Nov 2018, 1:16 pm

TJ_1989 wrote:
On my mind right now? Debating on whether I should scratch build a large ride on R/C tug boat, or a ride on barge to be pulled by a large R/C tug, or to build a large ride on R/C container ship....decisions. Solar power panels on top of the containers would make that easy. Plus that can be an access point for all the innards of the ship. Receiver in the super structure, so on and so forth. Tug would be trickier and a much larger scale...The container option would probably be easier to stabilize with a kayak positioning of the "seat" just fore of the superstructure using it as kind of a back rest. Then there's cost, custom trailer, legalities if any. Will probably get a kayak paddle in case something goes awry.



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11 Nov 2018, 1:30 pm

Wondering if any of my humor puts a smile on anyone's face or if I just fail spectacularly.

Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.” ― Bertrand Russell


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11 Nov 2018, 2:31 pm

Thank you, everyone, for all the well wishes! I hope the year ahead will be a successful one.


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11 Nov 2018, 5:52 pm

The best thing that could happen, is that nothing bad happens

The worst thing that could happen, is subject to imagination

Considering becoming a hermit

Telecommute job

Only one friend right now. Usually zero. But with technology, no problem

Anxiety spiralling out of control

Not to say that it was ever in control


Want letter of apology from homophobic simpletons from San Diego



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11 Nov 2018, 6:01 pm

Could perfectionism be a sign of a mental health issue?

My mom is a perfectionist and snaps whenever something at home goes wrong.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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11 Nov 2018, 6:11 pm

Perfectionism overlaps with anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder



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11 Nov 2018, 6:34 pm

My sister and I both have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, but we do not exhibit perfectionist tendencies.

Our mom is ashamed that we both have GAD and I often wonder if our mom uses GAD against us as a means of hiding her own mental health issues she may have.

This leads to another question: Could perfectionism be a sign of bipolar disorder or borderline disorder?

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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11 Nov 2018, 8:16 pm

perfectionism is a sign of insecurity. if it's aligned with any personality disorder, it would be obsessive compulsive personality disorder which is distinct from OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder).


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11 Nov 2018, 9:50 pm

"life" is almost over

Structural engineer, military, skinny, man, friends, job, normal, author. All not happening

No hope

No future

Why am I so obsessed with the military?

Civilians work for the military.

MOS ,. Finance technician, food specialist, musician, motor transport, laundry shower technician, human resources admin


My "life" will never amount to anything significant


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12 Nov 2018, 1:17 pm

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
"life" is almost over

Structural engineer, military, skinny, man, friends, job, normal, author. All not happening

No hope

No future

Why am I so obsessed with the military?

Civilians work for the military.

MOS ,. Finance technician, food specialist, musician, motor transport, laundry shower technician, human resources admin


My "life" will never amount to anything significant

have you ever read "a confederacy of dunces?" it's a great book i think you'd enjoy.


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12 Nov 2018, 4:35 pm

Cathy Lynn

Not yet. Looked it up. It sounds like the main character is similar to me, in that we both feel like we do not belong in the world and looking for a job and hate precious lil "people" and love eating.


If the library has it, maybe I will look at it.


Can't concentrate on anything

Almost everything requires some sort of concentration

Things like sleeping and bowel movement do not

There could be other exception, but not many

Some articles claim that clinical depression has the same MRI as brain damage


Too far gone

Plenty of things could make my "life" much worse. I'm mediately, permanently and drastically. And some of them appear not unlikely to occur

Run over by a car, disease, disability, homeless, rape


Almost zero things could make my "life" better

And they do not appear likely to occur

For example, maybe there will be law making it illegal to have separate men's and women's bathrooms (homophobia)

Might get a job (whooptie do). But the only job I qualify for are minimum wage. And could get canned


Some things ought to go without saying.

But precious lil "people" do not act that way

"Respect", "rude", "mean", "help", "hurt" are too vague. The speaker thinks in black and white. Judgemental and entitled and inarticulate



"Life" has nothing left to offer me


Treatment refractory depression
Graceful degradation
Major five personality traits
Mad, angry, care
Transcranial magnetic imagery



Because I do not have the potential to join the military, structural engineering, author, friends, normal, man.

Homophobic precious lil "people" will never apologize to me

"Life"is, for all practical purposes, over,

Damage control

"Life" will , sooner or later, get much worse

"Life" cannot and will not get better



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13 Nov 2018, 12:37 am

I guess that I must be pretty sick if I don't have the energy to work on my art.

The Family Enigma