Does industrial engineering fall under business or engineering, at college?
Almost everything is closed
No rain forecasted
Thank Buddha
Wet shoes smell
Library, bookstore, trader Joe's closed
Only one friend right now
If she gets struck by a car or she doesn't want to be my friend anymore, then I have zero friends
But for a long time, I have had zero friends, and nothing bad happened, that otherwise would not have happened
Spoiled upper middle class brat should not have been allowed at aikido
"Care" means "to attend to". It does not specify intention, legality, outcome, or morality
Sometimes an apology is necessary but insufficient
Sometimes financial reparations are necessary
Sometimes reparations are necessary but not possible
When precious homophobic "people" thought I was wrong, it was like
inciting a riot
When it turned out they were homophobic, no apology
They act like they have never done anything wrong before
On your knees begging forgiveness
Pay for my
top surgery
rt order
By the way, not everything has to be "cool" or "ok"
With you
Do not be so judgmental
I feel like I can't trust nobody
Because you looked trustworthy, to me, at the time
And you were homophobic
Plenty of precious lil "people" in San Diego were homophobic
When it turned out they were wrong, not a single one of them, apologize to me. Much less financial reparations
f**k those ass holes
No joob, job skills, precious lil "friends", hope, future
By the way, say "excuse me", not "what"
No homophobia
No racism ("n***a", "you Vietnamese?")
No sexism ("are you a boy or girl?")
Even if iwas cisgender,
I am 35 and postmenopausal
Not "girl",
Got that,