Trigas wrote:
chrissyrun wrote:
That's crazy, did you find anything on dream dictionary yet? Oh, I didn't mean to make you think it was you...
We is just the collective ensemble of whatever people were there at the moment..not many recognizable faces aside from a principal and a few I can't remind right now. Thank you, my mind is very....strange
Yea, it ended up saying it's a way of "moving on" so to speak. Very relieving to say the least, strange how I had that dream after everything that was on my mind yesterday...
Haha well I'd be up for a zoo adventure! With or w/o mermaids of course
That's way cool. Haha, the mermaid symbol is awkward in the dictionary. I remember Bus was leaving to a new event in life. The artwork represents expressing beliefs, the zoo means chaos and confusion.
Ok, this is the best
Guess I kinda did have a dream about you in a way. I looked up cheerleader and it said competition. I killed the cheerleader....
Finding that out made my day.
Go die in a ditch if you're a b*tch, if you're a jerk, go to work, if you're just mean, flee the scene, and if you're rude, go ahead and intrude because you're probably just like me.