1. I went to Sunday School when I was a very young girl, but I quit rather abruptly. The teacher made us lie on large pieces of paper so she could trace our body shapes and allow us to colour them. I think it was going to be a display that said "God loves us all", or something to that effect. I quit because I looked at my body outline and told the teacher there was no way the magnitude of "me" fit into that small, finite shape (I didn't use those words, lol). I was insistent that my existence was much bigger than the outline she traced.
2. I spent most of my first five years on our boat (50' cabin cruiser). I had an orange, fabric life vest which I can still smell and feel in my mind. My brother and I figured out how to play hide and seek in the cabinets and under the dining seats (which opened as storage space). One day I hid in the space under the bench seat but my brother took so long to find me that I fell asleep. My brother eventually forgot about me and started playing with my cousin on the deck. My father ended up sitting on the bench seat, unaware that I was inside. I woke up and started banging underneath his butt "Let me out!", which really shocked him.
3. I remember being about three years old and climbing around in my grandfather's workshop annex, which was used for mechanic work. The space was full of discarded machinery, tools and car parts. There was a strong smell of hot tar and grease. I was alone and exploring without fear. I found some used doors with bevelled glass and tried to carry them home. My brother called me over to an adjacent stream to fish with him, so I abandoned the doors and used bits of meat on a hook / string to catch little minnows.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.