I've been having horrible nightmares for the past few nights, and I haven't been sleeping well, either. Each dream is like a complex short story, and each one is different but plays off of the others, and then I wake up in a cold sweat but fall back asleep again, and then another dream starts.
In the dreams, there seem to be some common themes and imagery. They're mostly about monsters and demons, and mainly oddly religious. There is some type of creature that crawls around on the ceiling and walls of my bedroom, but it is trapped in here by four "posts" at each of the corners of the room, creating a spiritual force field (looking around my room just now, I realize that I incidentally and unintentionally placed an item of personal signance at each of the corners). Also, whenever a person is born, a demon is born, and the way a person lives their life influences their demon, and when they die, if they don't "get right" beforehand, their demon gets released into the world. So there are all these horrible things out there because of how awful people can be.
Anyway, in the dreams, I keep getting chased by demons and monsters and having to fight them off, but then I keep getting killed and having a false awakening into my bedroom, except bugs will be crawling under my skin and the thing will be in my room, so I realize I'm still having a nightmare and then really wake up. I also keep finding cryptic messages or hearing voices in my head in the dreams, stuff like: "Thomas's twin is also Thomas," and "The Buddha is sleeping."
In a way, last night's was the worst because I quit fighting and dark forces took control of me, and suddenly I could hear the blackbirds outside my window talking, and they were telling me there was going to be an assasination attempt, and I should watch the news and not let people know the things I was seeing.