emlion wrote:
being sick. ew.
I hope you are feeling better now Emlion.
hanyo wrote:
Now the furnace has a gas leak. I can't stand the smell of gas and it makes me sick. I want out of here so bad.
Me and my mother were asphyxiated once when I was 15 years old. I had the worse headache in my life. When I woke up with the headache, before I even knew what caused it, I immediately thought I have to get outside, I need to get outside. I hate gas heaters.
CockneyRebel wrote:
Taupey isn't here. I hope she's okay.
You are so sweet Mick.

Aimless wrote:
shrox wrote:
Aimless wrote:
You should see my apartment. It looks like it's been ransacked but it is just in it's natural state. I wish my focus and energy would last long enough to do something about it.
Got insurance?
Got a match?
Hmm...No. I'm a borderline hoarder. We don't just torch stuff.

Me too.

MakaylaTheAspie wrote:
I'm exhausted. I feel like an old lady.
*gives Makayla a hug*
CockneyRebel wrote:
My mum being a b***h and not understanding why I'm going for an ultrasound tomorrow. I'm not telling her any personal secrets, again. That b***h thinks she knows everything about me.
Try not to pay her any mind, I know it isn't easy. I'm happy you're getting the ultrasound to help find out why you don't feel like eating. I hope you don't have cancer either. It's best to get the ultrasound done and find out that you don't have it than it is not to get it done and not know until it's too late.
chrissyrun wrote:
My parents want me to get a job now that I'm home, but I don't want to until Kevin comes out and I might have lost my full-ride scholarship if I don't act tomorrow...but I don't want it to be too late. but I will probably call too late and I am not tired enough to get to sleep even though I need to and I lost my phone and I have gained weight and Kevin's fb isn't working properly and that *was* our primary mode pf communication at one point.
Got it all out.
Wow, that's a whole lot of stuff to deal with at once. I hope it gets better for you Chrissy.
I have too damn much to do around here as usual.
Whatever you think you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, magic and power in it. ~Goethe
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