IsabellaLinton wrote:
caThar4G wrote:
All the memories of my past boyfriend are flooding my brain, good and bad.
Mostly good.
I think my brain is flipped out because he switched so fast from being a decent guy in my experience to a coward with no regard to responsibility or any morals.
I'm mourning.
Mourning is appropriate, but don't focus on bringing him back to life. Focus on your baby.
The seven steps of mourning are:
Shock and Denial, Pain and Guilt, Anger and Bargaining, Depression, Doing Better, Reconstruction, Acceptance.
You will get to the acceptance stage when you are ready.
Did the beeping noise stop?
I'm at my parents' house, taking a break.
My dad has agreed to not smoke indoors.
I'm disappointed. Everything about that apartment is good, except for that.
The management tried a few things.
They said that they aren't sure where it's coming from. Or, can't hear it.
I asked if I could show one of the staff where I hear it and what it is. No reply yet.
My case manager and master clinician are already looking for a new place. I'm planning on putting my name on a list for single mother housing as backup. They have condo/duplex houses.
I'm also getting a noise machine that cost about 50 dollars. Natural fan blowing noise is the only white noise that doesn't irritate me.
It kind of blows because my ex, on top of not contacting me, has stopped sending me money when I need it the most.
Sometimes I wonder if he plans this stuff to be a big a**hole.