shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
Arranged a job interview for Thursday as a cashier at a baseball stadium
Arranged a job interview at optometrist for office assistant on Saturday
Well done. In the past I found I could be unemployed for a while... Attend interviews. Nothing. And then all of a sudden I would have two or three job offers at the same time! It was sad to turn some down as I felt sorry for the employers. It can go like that sometimes. Can go with a long time of nothing and then all of a sudden it can be everything.
Lets hope you find something just right for you where you will find the job a blessing and be happy in what you do.
I am in a position where I am now starting to recover from burnout but I can't push myself into employment yet. I know through past experience that I have to wait until I am really back to my optomistic self for a good while. (I thought I was right before when I took a job last and it was far too early and as I am a people pleaser in that I don't want to let an employer down (And I only had a few months to work), I went into burnout again and somehow pushed tnrough and went into a fragile stage.
At least at the moment I can see some light at the end of the tunnel.
Things may work out well for you. Things may not. We don't know, but unless we take the risk and try, we may never know. So we may as well give things a go.
So lets hope you get a choice of work where you can choose the work you want to do.