Seriously I feel like I taught former counselor Jeanne Courtney, a lot more than vice versa
The b***h had the nerve to tell me that "you don't look like you would hurt anyone"
Don't look, to her, at that time
More than two separate idiots had the nerve to tell me that "you look like you want to kill someone". (They were not telepathic or precognitive)
Every interaction is help, neither, or hurt
You can't guarantee just the first two
Defendants convicted of murder, mug shots. Do not look too different from defendants not convicted of murder.
"Hurt" could be physical, emotional, on purpose or unintentionally
And "hurt" is for the recipient to say
A man offered me a ride in his car. Stranger. He did not look, to me, like he would hurt anyone. But I still didn't get in the car
Jeanne Courtney should have been paying me cash. Not vice versa
f**k Jeanne Courtney
All she ever does is sit around talking
Flap flap flap
She doesn't do anything. She doesn't think.
She acted like she was "helping," me but the insurance paid her 75 bucks an hour. So who is "helping" whom?
The spoiled upper middle class brat from aikido. It's dad spoiled it so much that it truly believed that if it wasn't happy, someone violated it's rights
Plenty of entitled lil simpletons think that way
f**k the spoiled upper middle class brat
f**k Hui hua Wu