Mmmm, bizarre, I was actually searching for that song when I stumbled upon 'Remind me' and kind of forgot 'Happy up here'. But hey.... both cool.
Space invaders, jeez. Nostalgia to probably two decades back or something. Must admit I don't hardly play any comp. games anymore these days.
And I 'double u' B, same here, same here. Dido has a good voice, the melody she makes is nice on the ears but.... not much of a fan of him either or hip hop in general, I must say. To each his/her own, of course. I'm .
Royksopp is just a cool band(?) if you ask me....
Here's another kneitertje,
Ah, they are from Norway. Even from Bergen. Didn't know, looked it up and tada....
A link, Röyksopp.