Fear of homeless
Paranoid of poverty
Regret not panhandling and wasting more time looking for a job
Take a drop (or teaspoon) of Rolando's sweat to the allergist to see if I am allergic
But then what?
Sometimes I don't feel safe physically or emotionally
Sometimes the sense of security, is too high, low, or equal. To the situation. But you can't measure the correct amount. And it is constantly changing
Involuntary, subconscious, natural,
second nature, reflexive, reaction
There is nothing to do
Feel like should have self actualized
STEM, friends, . What the flying f**k ever
Drive a car, cook, fix house, computer, sew,
Write a book
s**t I turn 36 in two weeks and
If I haven't succeeded yet, I am not going to
Be practical
Right now I should be thinking about working flipping burgers or scrubbing urinal
Maslow's hierarchy
Mister redelings is not on Maslow's hierarchy unless he hires me for a job. Or if I write a book about the lil penis
Because of mister redelings, do not feel like I can trust anyone
Risk versus reward
My only friend told me that, her friends cat kicked the bucket. The friends friend got drunk and played video games until 2:30 am and the friend had to take the last bus home
She told me that it was an extreme situation, but she has a lot of friends and they have a lot of friends and family and pets. Everything drops dead sooner or later.
Wish I had friends
Not online.
But ass holes keep
Making judgmental statement (positive and negative)
calling themselves "most people"
Saying "what" and "huh " like they are the etiquette equivalent of "excuse me"