IsabellaLinton wrote:
caThar4G wrote:
Going back to my parents would cause similar issues.
At least you'd have a little help with your son, and be able to rest more for a week or two.
I've sensory issue there too.
I'm just thinking that if there's no way of getting this resolved.
Realistically, unless someone holds my hand for most of the way, I may not even be able to keep a place for my son and I.
Then when stuff like this happens, it affects everything like a snowball.
I don't have a job yet.
I was denied disability.
My ex is still sending some money.
Though he obviously doesn't care about us as people.
I haven't paid my electric bill yet.
Rent is free though.
I'm at a point where I feel so sick inside emotionally and physically from my mind that I don't want to eat much and I feel I need to run and find a hideway or just give up and be miserable that I couldn't give my son myself what he needs, a stable comfortable home.