"here and now" mantra
Maslow's hierarchy
Not structural engineering, mister redelings, school bullying, SAT, or anything else s**t
Mister redelings did not invent homophobia. Just plagiarized
Blame society
Counselor Heather said "did he know he was ignorant?"
He did not know. But everyone is ignorant
You either underestimate, equal, or overestimated your skills. So what he overestimated his skill?
Underestimate "the price is right"
Overestimated bakers dozen
I also overestimated his skill. You can't measure skills and they are constantly changing
Mister redelings "hurt" me ten dollars and he got zero
Sam Diego, 2006 civil engineer
Counselor Jeanne Courtney "helped" me one dollar and she got 75.
El Cerrito, 2018, psychotherapist
Stop thinking about mister redelings
There might not be a moral
The moral could be impossible to figure out
The moral might not apply to anything else
Without telepathy or stalking, it sounds reasonable to me to say that, mister redelings has not given his homophobia a second thought
The lil penis thinks he is perfect and I thought he was perfect and now I feel like I can't trust nobody
Mind over matter
If it looks too good to be true, maybe it is
f**k mister redelings
f**k Nate Pearson, spoiled upper middle class brat
dark side
Trust versus mistrust
Urinary tract infection
Spoiled upper middle class brat
Some lil dipshits are so entitled that they believe that whenever they are not happy, someone must have violated their stupidass "rights"
Dr Jekyll and mister Hyde
When the lil penis mister redelings liked or did not care about what you did or said, the lil scrotum was indulgent and buddy buddy
When I asked him to call me "he" instead of "she", it was like CIA interrogation.
Cross examination
Tarring and feathering
It rocked my world
Stupid me. I thought he accepted me for who I was. Not superficial, materialistic, homophobic
So now when I see someone or something that appears too good to be true, I suspect there must be something seriously wrong
Some idiots act like every slightest thing is, or should be, the funniest thing in the world.
Not everything is funny and laughing out of control is not the greatest thing in the world
Homophobic simpletons lil simpletons
Used to love Warren pottebaum
Aikido instructor
First half year
He acted like he accepted me and he looked so wise, refined, sophisticated, and all that stupidass BS
Then he made the mistake of letting the spoiled upper middle class brat take aikido
f**k Nate Pearson
f**k Warren pottebaum
That's like saying, even if he was the best instructor in the world, if he shot me with a gun, f**k him
Effort justification
Sunk costs
When I was 12,. I wanted karate and did not get a chance
So what?
Some five years old get cancer and drop dead
Nobody gets everything they want. And if they did, whooptie do
36 years old and stop thinking about being 12.
"A day late, and a dollar short"
f**k Jamie Adair
Not everyone can be "smart" or "important"
Dualism, bell curve
Even the exchange rate of monetary currency changes daily
Something is just , that value, at that time,bto whom
Below salvage value, versus worthless
There is nothing to do all day long s**t
My breasts feel large and heavy
"Life" is stupid and
Nobody gives a rats ass about me, s**t
f**k mister redelings
LGBT rights
Mental illness rights
Autism rights
Racism sexism homophobia fatophobia classism lookism ableism antisemitism
f**k Nick walker
f**k azzia walker