My cousin’s wife is Irish American but she loves Russian culture/history
So she taught herself russian n travelled there
She has an extremely beautiful face esp Eyes
Her pArents are nice although her dad is unhappy she changed her religion it’s his right to be, and her mom is a nurse so of course she is a superior human being to most ppl
I should email her fr today
Except a Russian + Irish mix i could write it in russian using google translate
TUF wrote:
It's generally one of my favourite holidays. Not because I drink but because I'm proud of what my ancestors went through and because I love Ireland.
Generally I spend it learning about history, listening to music, maybe soberly going to a party, doing crafts etc.
Today I can't be bothered to do anything as academic as studying. Spent the day watching us score a last minute winner (a Scottish club but established by an Irishman, traditionally supported by a lot of Irish, and I'm Republican enough to say run by one too, Lenny wouldn't claim to be 'Ulster'), then listening to mostly Irish folk music with a bit of pop as well.
I'm (literary) geeky enough to prefer Bloomsday though.
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill