things that made me happy (so much that i cannot sleep from the 'high' it gave me)
1. elder drank banana milkshake before bedtime, and ate cheese.
2. elder paid attention to books off and on.
3. funny one went to sleep happy despite not seeing his dad. why, because my parents called, and brother and sister and brother in law all video chatted with him throughout the day, any time he began missing his dad.
(dad didn't answer request for video call despite seeing it)
4. parents video chatted and got to see funny one recreating episodes of Omar and Hana, word for word. his memory is perfect, as well as attention to detail and linking things. he definitely has a very high IQ. very very very very very high.
5. nurse Dorcas (whenever she comes, the whole day ends up being an extraordinarily lucky one, she 'blesses' the home somehow.)
even though i feel kind of uncomfortable in her presence (like i am with everyone),
but she has some sort of angelic-ness that soothes everyone. that feeling then makes things work out that day magically.
i think the only other person who had that gift was Nurse Irene...
except nurse Irene was witty and sarcastic too.
this nurse is just really simple and i cannot explain exactly.
it's like my elder son has an angelic soul, she is the same.
i think they bond automatically.
their souls are alike, so he feels at ease.
she is good at maximizing her time and using it efficiently somehow, without doing it in an obstructive way.
after nurse dorcas leaves i feel so much energy as though she lifted us all up. then i do so much (accomplish everything step by step, don't become frozen even if i forget what i was doing)
only nurse irene could do that, before, for us.
i wish i could be like them, then i wouldn't need THEIR presence to always be like that. whatever mindset a person has, my mind absorbs their vibes.
easily influenced...
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill