Sometimes I feel like neurotypicals should just "know" when they do something wrong (by me)
For example, Amy Lee scheel b***h and counselor Jeanne Courtney and Jamie Adair knew how to read my nonverbal communication well enough to know that when those c***s said "what", they got on my nerves. Instead the correct answer is "excuse me".
It's too awkward to tell idiots that they mispronounced my name, wrong pronoun..
The penis just had the nerve to ask me when I was coming out the bathroom. He acted like he was being polite (and there are more rude statements), but I just got there and (maybe) the polite thing would be to just wait. It is not in a hurry to go anywhere.
When it is in the bathroom I wait. f**k that ass hole
It makes me so f*****g uptight and anxiety
Only two people live here. Numerous times I have given him the bathroom
He acts like he is so special he should not have to wait